Friday, August 31, 2007

Jealous Much?

My sis' had her daughter, a beautiful baby girl weighing in at 7 pounds 13 ounces. Due to her boyfriend/common law hubby (they've been together longer than most people have been married and if half that time had been here in Texas, the law would agree) not being here, I was the birthing coach.

She had a really cool spacious room with a DVD player, wood floors, attentive nurses and a great doctor. After she had the baby, she was moved to her own private room that was still pretty spacious. The nurses kept the baby in the nursery and let her sleep all night! She got the absolute best care Texas can provide.

And by Texas, I mean the taxpayers 'cuz my sis' didn't pay a dime.

Now, don't get me wrong, I sure as hell didn't want her having the baby in some back alley or homeless hostel where afterwards the ambulance would drop her and the baby off on some street corner where all the drug addicts and mentally insane hang out.

But why...WHY couldn't I have gotten some of the same kind of treatment where I had my kids at a military hospital? Whenever I read the news about how shocked everyone is about the appalling state of military hospitals and the sub-standard care they have, I just have to say where the hell have you been? With my son, I didn't get an epidural. I got some kind of generic drug that did shit for me then made me puke my brains out a few hours later. Did I have a choice to be guinea pig? Nope. By the time a friend of mine had her baby a few months later, she got the epidural, thanks to yours truly. I didn't even get $20 for my services for their little drug experiment. When I had my daughter, the doctors blew off a cyst I had on one of my ovaries until I was too far along in my pregnancy. When I finally got sent to a high-risk doctor ( at an Air Force hospital, mind you, which are far more superior than Army hospitals but are getting closed down so all that are left are the Army hospitals), I had to wait til after I had her, then they had to take my whole ovary out along with the cyst. And the GOD....they look at you like some kind of negligent monster if you ask for a little sleep time. No nurseries for healthy babies, baby stays with you the whole time. I was positively dying to leave the hospital. I got better care at home, caring for myself!

And its not me either. Whenever I talk about my nightmare stays at a military hospital, someone usually has a story of their own about a family or friend. Problem is, they are all still green. They all still have to pull out their trusty medical book or consult someone who has a couple of years on them but not much more.

I still don't make enough to have my kids on my medical plan. It would take too much out each month, so they are still on my ex's military medical plan. Which means, in our area, it's a military hospital. I used to always go to the Air Force one here, but now, we have to go to the Army one. Thankfully, my kids are never sicker than the common stuff that a green doctor or nurse or whoever is there sees pretty much every day and knows the standard Tylenol or Amoxicillan treatment. Now that my ex finally got a job though, maybe the kids can go on something his job offers or he can give me some extra support to make up the difference on my jobs' medical plan. All I know is, I sure don't want them to get in some car accident and go to a military hospital. I cringe everytime I hear in the news the person went there, 'cuz I know the kind of treatment they got. I hope one day soon, I can get them to someone who really does know what they are talking about. A real pediatric doctor and not someone who has to do this part as part of their training, or still trying it out to see if this is the field they want to really get into to. Or having nurses still working on their bedside manners or, otherwise, really don't give a damn either way 'cuz its a miliary hospital after all and they get paid according to rank and patients come and go and don't have a choice either.

Since we're talking about being jealous about stuff.....

Someone I work with is a really rich girl from the Chicago area and for some reason is determined to show her family she is not Paris Hilton and can make it on her own. So, she got married recently and is now definetely not running back home anytime soon, at least. So her parents finally gave in and bought a summer home here in SA to be near the DOMINION!

Who does that?


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